Our Products

Discover our updated systems and app.

Moonbeam subscription member : £19.99 per month for unlimited car washing!

Moonbeam subscription member : £19.99 per month for unlimited car washing!

How it Works

Discover our updated systems and app.

App Enabled , Brushless, Fun

Our app allows customers to pay for washes directly from their Mobile phone. Customers can also gift washes to others and will benefit from exclusive promotions. “Brushless” car washing involves a state-of-the-art mechanical arm that washes your car with high-pressure water and high-quality chemicals.

Experience Something

Experience Something

Our car wash offers a unique experience, with tri-coloured foam and a display of LED lights to brighten up your day.

Vending Machine

Vending Machine

Our vending machine provides a range of Moonbeam products to complete your washing needs such as air fresheners, microfiber towels and interior sprays.

Leave your car feeling fresh!

Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuum Cleaner

Love your car, inside and out!

We also have vacuum cleaners which allows for deep cleaning of your vehicle’s interior.



Our £19.99 subscription allows for unlimited washes per month, providing value to our customers by further simplifying the process and allowing them to use Moonbeam whenever they want.

Ready to get Started ?

Send us your email to learn more about future plans!

Ready to get Started ?

Send us your email to learn more about future plans!